Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!

When we look back on 2009, we see a lot of great times. One of my favorite memories of the year was taking Michael, Abby and Aidan to my hometown in Michigan. Abby told me that was her favorite vacation. Also getting to meet our niece Elliana. She is such a cute little girl with her own personality. I think that is the McClellan trait.

Michael has been busy at work and church. This year his responsibility was teaching gospel principles. When he got put in there he was told don’t be surprised if no one comes to this class. Michael decided to make treats each week. He did such a great job that this past week the young men in our ward literally broke out in a fist fight to get the treats.

I have also been busy with work and church. In the early part of the year, I was called to be 1st counselor in the Relief Society. I really enjoyed it because I got to know the members of the ward especially the sisters. My goal for the year is to get back to working out more often. I would really like to run another half marathon in May.

Abby is in the 5th Grade. She is busy with choir, cheer and soccer. She is really starting to grow up. She is discovering jewelry, make up and boys. She is so cute; Michael just wants to chase the boys away.

Aidan is 8 years old and is in the 2nd Grade. He is into basketball, and soccer. He also is like his Dad and loves video games. We just got a wii for Christmas from my Dad and he was teaching me how to play it. Aidan also has a very tender heart. He loves his big sister and will pretty much do what she wants.

Cameron and Jerusha had the best experience with the birth of their son, Finnley Tucker. That little boy could not be any cuter. I love to see him grow and develop. Cam and Jerusha are such great parents. Finn is crawling, loves dogs, and he loves to stand up. .

The Nielsen’s wish you a Happy New Year and all the good things for your family in 2010.

If I would have been more organized or had more time I would have sent this out with the Christmas card.


zeebee said...

How great to hear a snipit of what you are up to! Isn't blogging great? Thanks for letting me have a peak into your lives, it sounds like you are really happy.

Marshall Family said...

You all have had a busy year! The kids are growing up a little aren't they?! Don't we wish we could keep them young and innocent a lot longer?! I love that Michael made treats for his class. He is a great cook! Keep me updated on your new calling as YW's president! :)